22 June 2020

Donington On Bain Parish Council  

Clerk – Mrs V Davies, Tel: 07795822701 

Email: doningtononbainpc@gmail.com   


Dear Councillors,  

You are hereby summoned to attend, remotely via the zoom package, the annual meeting of Donington on Bain Parish Council to be held on Monday 22 June 2020, at 7.30. pm.

There will be a public forum for a maximum of 5 minutes when members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council.

Members of the Public who wish to attend remotely should download the zoom package and click on the links below or enter the Meeting ID and password.


Topic: Donington on Bain Parish Council

Time: Jun 22, 2020 07:30 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 731 0391 4235

Password: 6Pz7yx…

Mrs V. Davies, Clerk to The Council,  

15 June 2020



  1. Apologies with reasons for absence  

To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.

  1. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests and any written requests for dispensation.
  2. To approve as a correct record, the notes of the meeting of the Council held on 25 May 2020 and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes.    
  3. Clerk’s report.
  4. To Discuss planning applications and decisions.

Reference: N/042/00478/20.  The Old School, Old School Lane, Donington On Bain, - Extension and alterations to the existing dwelling to provide a triple garage with a first floor living area over.

  1. Finance
  1. To agree payments for June
  2. To note the Monthly Financial Reports.
  1. To approve the Annual Governance and Accountability Return

a) To Execute review of effectiveness of internal audit.  See the internal audit form and the letter from the internal auditor.  To be approved and signed by the Chairman. 

b) To Execute Annual Governance Statement. Blank attached.  The Parish council needs to assess its effectiveness.   To be approved and signed by the Chairman and clerk

c) To Approve Statement of Accounts.  See Attached.  To be signed by the Chairman and clerk

d) To Execute Certificate of Exemption.  See attached.  To be approved and signed by the Chairman and clerk

e) To Execute the Notice of Public Rights. 

f) To note the Variances 2019-20 - attached. 

g) To note the annual Bank Reconciliation - attached

h) To note the Annual Financial Report – attached

  1. Newsletter
  2. Playground.  Lottery funding.
  3. Date of Next Meeting. – To be agreed.