28 January 2019

Donington On Bain Parish Council  

Clerk – Mrs J Grainger, Tel: 01472 851879 

Email: doningtononbainpc@gmail.com  


Dear Councillors,  

You are hereby summoned to the meeting of the Parish Council to be held on Monday 28th January 2019, at 7.30pm in the Village Hall, Donington-on-Bain. The Business to be dealt with at the meeting is listed in the agenda.  

There will be 10 minutes open session for members of the public to ask questions and make observations from 7.20 pm and your attendance is requested during this period.  

Please note members of the public are welcome, for the duration of the Council Meeting, but are not invited to participate.

 Mrs. J. Grainger, Clerk to The Council,  

21st January 2019



  1. Apologies with reasons for absence  

  2. Declarations of Interest

  3. To Approve the Minutes of the meeting held on 26th November 2018.   

  4. Chairman’s & councillors update.

  5. To enter in to closed session to discuss councillor vacancy applications.

  6. Clerk’s report.  

  7. Correspondence.  

  8. Finance 

    1. To approve accounts for payment – Mrs. J. Grainger December 2018 - £390.06, January 2019 – £402.74

    2. To note schedule of income received – TBC

    3. To discuss outstanding Invoices – Allotments & Paddocks

  9. To Discuss planning applications and decisions.

    1. N/042/01975/18 - 4 Meadowcroft, Bridge, Erection of a pedestrian footbridge – Granted.

    2. N/042/02272/18 - Ingotse, Main Road, Two storey extension  - Granted

  10. To Discuss Grass Cutting Contract 2019/20.

  11. Update on Defibrillator spares.

  12. Update on Biscathorpe Oil Exploration – Community Liason Group.

  13. Update on School Poster Competition.

  14. Update on Recreation Area & Muga.

  15. Update on Allotments.

  16. Update on Cemetery & closed church yard.