28 January 2019

Donington on Bain Parish Council 

Notes of the Meeting of Monday 28th January 2019

Held in the Village Hall at 7.20pm.  


Present: Cllr. M. Fisher, Cllr. J. Turner, Cllr. J. Burnham, Cllr. K. White, Cllr. F. Beaney – (Late), Mrs. J. Grainger (Clerk & RFO), Cllr. J. Scutt.


01.19  Apologies for absence – Cllr. Fisher reported that Cllr. Beaney would be arriving late. Accepted.


02.19  Declaration of Interest – none. 


03.19  To approve the minutes of the meeting held 26th November 2018 – The minutes of the meeting were checked and resolved and signed as a true record. Proposed Cllr. Fisher (Chairman), Seconded Cllr. J. Burnham, (Vice-Chairman). Resolved as a true record.


04.19  Chairman’s & Councils Comments  - Cllr. Fisher reported that it was an election year, yet to be confirmed by ELDC. The newsletter was discussed, and agreed that it be distributed before Easter, more copies required for the next issue. Cllr. Turner proposed that a litter pick be undertaken regularly within the village, to be published in the next newsletter. The clerk offered contacts for free litter picking equipment, Cllr. Turner proposed that he contact the school for support, and would report back to the next meeting with an update. Additionally, the clerk was asked to make enquires as to when the next ELDC street clean was due.


7.37pm To move in to closed session


05.19  To discuss Councillor vacancy application.

The applicant was discussed and identified as an asset to the council, and Cllr. White proposed acceptance, seconded Cllr. Scutt. Resolved to appoint Nick Bodian as Councillor.


7.40pm – returned to main meeting.


06.19 Clerks Report -  The clerk reported she had been contacted from the National Citizenship Service, as they are organising the summer programme. Councillors would be forwarded full guidance and programme dates in due course.


07.19  Correspondence -  All electronic mail circulated throughout the month. 


08.19  Finance – 

  1. Expenditure - To approve Accounts for payment: Proposed Cllr. Scutt, Seconded Cllr. Turner. Resolved. Mrs. J. Grainger December 2018 - £390.06, January 2019 – £402.74.
  2. Income – Allotment income - £90, paddock rent, £160.00 .


09.19    To Discuss Planning Applications & Decisions

N/042/01975/18 - application for the erection of a bridge over the dyke, Meadowcroft. Granted

N/042/02272/18 - Ingotse, Main Road, Two storey extension  - Granted


10.19    To Discuss grass cutting contract 2019/20

The clerk reported that as masonry maintenance was required in the cemetery, then more frequent strimming around headstones was required, as it was not easy to maintain the headstones due to an accumulation of long grass. It was proposed that the strimming frequency be increased, in line with grass cutting. The fortnightly frequency of grass cutting is essential to village maintenance, and would be monitored throughout the next season, along with frequency of invoicing. One quote has already been received for the next season, with another two required. The clerk has advised the current grass cutter of this. The new contract needs to be in place before the end of October 2019. Proposed Cllr. Fisher (Chairman), seconded Cllr. Burnham. Resolved that the clerk contact the current contractor for additional strimming cost implications.


11.19 Update on Defibrillator spares.

The chairman reported on the cost for the spares, which included battery and pads, and requested the clerk to order them.


12.19  Update on Biscathorpe Oil Exploration

Cllr. Turner reported on a recent meeting (16/1), between Egdon Resources and the community. Cllr Turner stated that he had been impressed, with any questions answered comprehensively, and information useful. Bulletin number 2 has also been received from the community liaison group, which the Chairman requested be put in the notice boards. The next meeting of the community liaison group will be held 27/2/19.


13.19  Update on School Poster Competition.

The clerk reported that she had sent the poster for the competition, launched by a member of the Dogs Trust Education Team, who recently visited the school. The competition deadline being 15/2/19. The clerk had been in contact with the school Head, and received permission for sweets to be given to all participants. The clerk will organise winner’s prizes as previously minuted.


14.19    Update on Recreation Area and Muga

Cllr. Beaney reported that he had repaired the bench leg and up and over bridge. Cllr. White & Cllr Turner both expressed eagerness to investigate funding and requirements for new play equipment, which is to be reported on at the next meeting.


15.19    Update on Allotments

The clerk reported all fees were received. Cllr. Beaney unveiled a new sign, which he had personally designed and purchased for the school allotment, which he was complimented on.


16.19    Update on Cemetery and Closed Churchyard

The clerk reported that she would be writing to owners of headstones with regard to urgent masonry work, as some headstones are unstable, with temporary repairs now perished. Currently waiting information to be retrieved from LCC Archives in order to identify correct graves owners.


Meeting Closed 8.25pm 

Date of next Meeting 25th February 2019 

This document is designated Notes, until adopted as Minutes at the February meeting.