25 March 2019

Donington on Bain Parish Council

Notes of the Meeting of Monday 25th March 2019.

Held in the Village Hall at 7.20pm



Cllr. M. Fisher             

Cllr. J. Burnham                      

Cllr. J. Scutt     

Cllr. K. White

Cllr. N. Bodian            

Cllr. F. Beaney-(Late) 

Cllr. D Andrews (ELDC)


The meeting was opened at 7.20pm.


Reports of ELDC were made by Cllr. D Andrews. He reported that the grant had been awarded and he commented that the Council Tax bill had only a small increase in ELDC’s portion. The Chairman confirmed receipt of the grant and thanked Cllr. D Andrews for the grant, Cllr. D Andrews apologised and left the meeting.


In The absence of the Police there was no report.


28.19   Apologies for Absence.

The meeting was advised that apologies with valid reasons had been received from the Clerk J. Grainger, additionally reported that Cllr. F. Beaney would be arriving late, Cllr. J Turners gave apologies too. It was proposed, seconded and resolved: Those apologies with valid reasons be accepted.


29.19   To Receive declarations of interest under the localism act 2011

Non were received.


30.19   To approve as a correct the record the notes of the meeting of the council held on 25 February 2019.

It was proposed, seconded, and resolved: That the notes of the meeting held on the 25 February 2019 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


31.19   Chairman & Councillors Comments

Cllr. Fisher reported that the grant from Cllr. Andrews (ELDC) had been received in the Councils bank account. He also noted that the road sweeping machine had been through the village twice since the last meeting.

Cllr. Bodian reported and provided Bulletin No. 3 – 7 March 2019 of the Biscathorpe Oil Exploration Liaison Group and reiterated that although the heavy equipment had been removed from site a final decision was still awaited from the company about the future.

Cllr. Scutt provided a report on the 28 February 2019 meeting of the Harold True Trust as Council representative.

Cllr. Fisher reported that the winners of the poster competition had been chosen and the presentation was on the 3rd May 2019.

Cllr. Beaney reported that information board progress had slowed because of other work for council.


32.19   Clerks Report.

The Clerk reported that her Cilca training was continuing. The poster competition presentation will take place at the beginning of May with opportunities for photographs and an article for the Rasen Mail. Draft Standing Orders will be issued in April now due the size of the Document.

From October2019 all VAT will have to be done electronically, I am currently seeking information and guidance from LALC, many parishes are outsourcing this, instead of buying specific software, with recommended software yet to be specified for parishes. LALC are issuing information about clustering.

The clerk suggested the newsletter be postponed until after the AGM, in order to include the additional items, which will be reported on in May.


33.19   Correspondence

An E-mail was received from resident asking about council tax increases, the Chairman presented documentation explaining the reason for the precept increase, this agreed by the Council that this be sent to the resident. It was proposed, seconded and resolved that a reply be sent with the document attached.


34.19   Finance

The orders for payment to LALC and the Clerk’ salary was approved. It was proposed, seconded and resolved that the payments be authorised.


35.19   Planning

It was noted that complaint about the sign by the MXR offices had been notified to the ELDC planning office and that MXR had been advised about the complaint. The Chairman reported that the sign had already been removed.


36.19   Football Pitch Parking

The request from the Black Horse Pub to use part of the football field for over flow parking as previous years had been received. After discussion it was agreed that the parking be allowed as long as there was no parking on the pitch. It was proposed, seconded and resolved that the overflow parking be allowed.


37.19   Best kept village competition

After much discussion it was agreed that we would enter this year’s competition with a view to preparing for next years competition. It was proposed, seconded and resolved that we enter this years Best Kept Village competition.


38.19   Recreation Area & MUGA

The dog training was discussed but the Council was still not clear about what was being proposed in detail.


40.19   Allotments

Cllr. Beaney needs to discuss the matter of vacant and occupied plots with the Clerk.


41.19   Cemetery & closed church yard

The Chairman thanked Cllr. Beaney for the work he’s carrying out in the cemetery in dealing with the ant hills. Cllr. Beaney wishes to discuss what he has found with the Clerk.


Date of next meeting:  29 April 2019