22 June 2020
Donington on Bain Parish Council
Notes of the remote Meeting via Zoom of Monday 22 June 2020
The meeting was opened at 7.30pm.
Present: Cllr. M. Fisher, Cllr. J. Burnham, Cllr. K. White, Cllr. N. Bodian, Cllr B Gill-Stafford,
In Attendance: Mrs V Davies, Clerk.
65.20 Apologies With Reasons For Absence And Accept Apologies Where Valid Reasons, Given To The Parish Clerk Prior To The Meeting.Apologies With Reasons For Absence
Apologies were received accepted from Cllr R. Wright.
66.20 To Receive Declarations Of Interest Under The Localism Act 2011 – Being Any Pecuniary Interest In Agenda Items Not Previously Recorded On Members’ Register Of Interests And Any Written Requests For Dispensation.
Cllr Fisher declared a business relationship with the planning applicant and would not take part in the planning application discussions.
67.20 Open Meeting
There were no members of the public present so the meeting was not opened for public participation.
68.20 To Approve As A Correct Record, The Notes Of The Meeting Of The Council Held On 25 May 2020 And To Authorise The Chairman To Sign The Official Minutes.
It was proposed Cllr Gill-Stafford, seconded (Cllr Fisher), and resolved by all Cllrs that the notes of the meeting held on the 25 May 2020 be approved as a correct record. These would be signed by the Chairman.
69.20 Clerks Report.
The highways fault “Vegetation obscuring road signs oppose the school had been resolved” by Highways.
70.20 To Discuss Planning Applications And Decisions.
Reference: N/042/00478/20. The Old School, Old School Lane, Donington On Bain, - Extension and alterations to the existing dwelling to provide a triple garage with a first floor living area
Cllrs discussed the above planning application. Cllrs approved the application.
71.20 Finance - To Authorise The Signing Of Orders For Payment And To Note Income For June 2020
Proposed. Cllr Fisher seconded Cllr White and resolved by all Cllrs to approve the following payments. Cllrs also noted the balances in the accounts and the Income received. :-
995 |
V Davies |
Clerk salary |
£248.88 |
996 |
V Davies |
clerk expenses |
£38.70 |
Bus Bank Instant: |
£18074.43 |
30-Apr |
Treasurers Account: |
£782.37 |
30-Apr |
Income |
1.4.20 – Precept |
£10,000.00 |
9.4.20 – Interest |
£0.34 |
9.4.20. - Allotment Turner |
£30.00 |
Allotment – Donaldson |
£15.00 |
Cllrs noted the monthly financial reports.
72.20 To approve the Annual Governance and Accountability Return
a) To Execute review of effectiveness of internal audit.
Cllrs noted the internal audit report.No issues had been raised.
b) To Execute Annual Governance Statement.
The Council as a whole considered the effectiveness of the system of internal control and prepared the Annual Governance Statement (Section 1 of the Annual Return). Cllrs approved the Annual Governance Statement.
The council approved the annual Governance Statement which would be signed by Cllr White and the Clerk.
c) To Approve Statement of Accounts.
The council as a whole considered the accounting statements (Section 2 Accounting Statements 2019/20). Proposed Cllr White, seconded Cllr Bodian and approved by all Cllrs the approval of the Statement of Accounts.
The Parish Council approved the Accounting Statement. Cllr White and the clerk would sign the Statement of Accounts.
d) To Execute Certificate of Exemption.
The parish council certified itself as exempt from a limited assurance review under
Section 9 of the Local Audit (Smaller Authorities) Regulations 2015 and completed a Certificate of Exemption. Cllr White proposed, Cllr Fisher seconded and this was unanimously approved by all Cllrs. The statement would be signed by the Chairman and clerk.
e) To Execute the Notice of Public Rights.
It was proposed that the dates that the public could exercise their rights to view the accounts would be Monday 6 July to Friday 14 August.This would be displayed on the noticeboard.
f) To note the Variances 2019-20
Cllrs noted the variances. Cllr White proposed, Cllr Bodian seconded and approved by all Cllrs.
g) To note the annual Bank Reconciliation
Cllr White proposed, Cllr Bodian seconded approval of the annual Bank Reconciliation. This was unanimously approved by all Cllrs.
h) To note the Annual Financial Report
Cllrs noted the annual Financial Report.
73.20 Newsletter
It was resolved that Facebook would not be a replacement for the newsletter and would run alongside the Newsletter. Mrs Burnham had agreed to produce the Newsletter.
74. 20 Playground
All applications had been suspended until the virus threat had diminished.
75.20 Any Other Business
The sign writing on the noticeboard had been completed. Cllr Gill-Stafford would arrange to erect the noticeboard.
David Andrews would be included on the next agenda circulation.
There was an outstanding issue with Welsdale Road. Action: Clerk to chase highways.
75.20. Date Of Next Meeting.
The next meeting would take place on 27 July 2020
Meeting ended 8.00 pm
These Notes Are Draft Until Adopted At The July Meeting