29 July 2019
Donington on Bain Parish Council
Notes of the Meeting of Monday 29 July 2019.
The meeting was opened at 7.30pm.
Present: Cllr. M. Fisher, Cllr. J. Burnham, Cllr. K. White, Cllr. N. Bodian, Cllr. F. Beaney ,
In Attendance: Mrs V Davies, Clerk.
Two members of the public were present.
80.19 Open Meeting
Richard Wright and Barry Gill-Stafford introduced themselves and gave a short presentation expressing their interest in being co-opted onto the Parish Council
81.19 Apologies With Reasons For Absence And Accept Apologies Where Valid Reasons, Given To The Parish Clerk Prior To The Meeting.
Cllr. Andrews apologies were duly accepted.
82.19 Welcome To The Clerk
Vivienne Davies was welcomed as the clerk.
83.19 To Receive Declarations Of Interest Under The Localism Act 2011 – Being Any Pecuniary Interest In Agenda Items Not Previously Recorded On Members’ Register Of Interests And Any Written Requests For Dispensation.
None were received at this time.
84.19 To Approve As A Correct Record, The Notes Of The Meeting Of The Council Held On 26 June 2019 And To Authorise The Chairman To Sign The Official Minutes.
It was proposed (Cllr Fisher) seconded (Cllr Burnham), and resolved that the notes of the meeting held on the 26th June 2019 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
85.19 Chairman’s And Councillors Update.
The Parish Council thanked Jackie Grainger for her work as clerk. It was proposed that Cllr White would co-ordinate the newsletter in future. In addition, councillors would publicise the newsletter in the Parish to see if any Parishioners wanted to input articles. The next newsletter would be produced in October. Action: Clerk to send the details of the publisher to Cllr White.
86.19 Clerks Report.
The clerk highlighted that the volunteer who conducted the playground inspection could not complete the inspection w/c 5.8.19 and w/c 12.8.19. Action: Cllr Bodian would complete the inspection. Action: clerk to email the template to Cllr Bodian.
The clerk had registered the Parish Council with the Information Commissioner for Data Protection.
Standing Orders. The clerk would distribute model standing orders to Councillors. These would be adapted and amended by email to suit the purposes of the Parish Council.
It was noted that the Insurance renewal schedule would be reviewed in February. Action: Clerk to distribute a draft schedule of work.
87.19 Correspondence
All correspondence had been circulated prior to the meeting, with information from AONB, LALC
88.19 Finance – To Authorise The Signing Of Orders For Payment And To Note Income.
It was proposed, seconded and Resolved: That orders for payment made to the sum of £380.39 for July 2019, income of £675 was received in this period.
Councillors noted the Actual v Budget financial information
89.19 Planning
There were no planning applications.
90.19 Update On Commemorative Bench
The commemorative bench had had been installed in the cemetery (Whitwell).
There had been a second enquiry for a bench. It was discussed that a further bench would be desirable.
91.19 Recreation Area & MUGA.
Cllr Bodian and Cllr White had attended the School Fayre and presented the two options for the play equipment. The results had been collated. Cllr Bodian distributed a draft questionnaire and proposed that this be delivered to the whole village. Action: Cllr Bodian.
92.19 Allotments
There was no report. The allotments would be promoted at the Sausage and Cider Festival.
93.19 Cemetery & Closed Church Yard
Cllr. Bodian advised that the permission was progressing with the Diocese for the Parish Council to repair the wall on the closed church y ard. The quotation for the repairs was £500. Cllr David Andrews had agreed to a £200 grant from the district council fund towards these costs. Cllr Bodian proposed, Councillor Fisher seconded that the quotation be approved. As soon as the permission from the Archdeacon was received the work would be completed.
94.19 Welsdale Road
A number of complaints had been received about the condition and deterioration of Welsdale Road since the increase in traffic caused by satnavs sending traffic down this road. Action: clerk to write to highways and copy to Hugo Marfleet.
95.19 Damage To Football Pitch
Cllr Fisher reported that the damage to the football pitch had been resolved. The Police would take no further action.
96.19 Speeding In The Village
Incidents of speeding had been reported. The Police had interviewed the Parishioners who had reported the incident and action would be taken.
97.19 Parking
The issue of parking had been raised. Parking was available on the football field for the Sausage and Cider festival. A purpose built car park was proposed in the play park to be tied up with the lottery funding application.
98.19. Co-Option Of Councillors
There were four candidates for the two vacancies on the Parish Council.
Two candidates had presented to the Parish Council. Action: Clerk to contact the other two candidates to ask them to present to the Parish council.
99.19 Review Of Street Lighting
A Parishioner was complaining that the lights supplied by Lincolnshire County Council go off at 11pm. The lights supplied by East Lindsey District Council remain on all night. Lincolnshire County Council had issued a 'Street Lighting Policy - January 2019' this had been passed to the resident and the Council is awaiting their response.
100.19 Dog Waste
Concern was raised regarding how the dog waste was being dropped in bags on private land. It was noted that ELDC would not supply a further bin if there was another dog waste bin in close proximity.
Meeting ended 8.55 pm
Date of next meeting: Monday 23 September 2019.
These Notes Are Draft Until Adopted At The September Meeting