24 June 2019

Donington on Bain Parish Council

Notes of the Meeting of Monday 24th June 2019.

The meeting was opened at 7.30pm.



Cllr. M. Fisher,           

Cllr. J. Burnham,       

Cllr. K. White,

Cllr. N. Bodian,          

Cllr. F. Beaney-(Late), Clerk.

No members of the public were present.          


67.19   Apologies With Reasons For Absence And Accept Apologies Where Valid Reasons, Given To The Parish Clerk Prior To The Meeting.

Cllr. Andrews apologies were duly accepted.


68.19 To Receive Declarations Of Interest Under The Localism Act 2011 – Being Any Pecuniary Interest In

Agenda Items Not Previously Recorded On Members’ Register Of Interests And Any Written Requests For Dispensation.

Non were received at this time.


69.19   To Approve As A Correct Record, The Notes Of The Meeting Of The Council Held On 20th May 2019 And To Authorise The Chairman To Sign The Official Minutes.    

It was proposed, seconded, and resolved: That the notes of the meeting held on the 20th May 2019 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


70.19 Chairman’s And Councillors Update.

Cllr. Fisher reported that he had submitted the mandates for signature changes to the parish bank accounts, but still awaited confirmation of change.

Cllr. Burnham reported that recent gritting in the village had led to the report from one resident that they had encountered a road closure, although notification of this had not been received. Cllr. Fisher offered to make enquiries. Cllr. Fisher also reminded the council that a new notice board needed sourcing, with enquires to be made. Cllr. Burnham reported two errors in the newsletter, which the clerk apologised for.


71.19 Clerks Report.

The clerk reported that the certificate of exemption had been accepted with no further action required for the external audit. Other updates under other agenda items. The clerk reported that articles for the newsletter were more or less self generated, and those wanting to advertise in the next newsletter should email the clerk or pass an article to one of the councillors by the end of October 2019. Those receive thereafter this deadline would be put in the Spring/Summer  edition. Articles can consist of events, celebrations, news, interests groups, poetry, recipes, etc.


72.19   Correspondence

All correspondence had been circulated prior to the meeting, with information from AONB, LALC & Lloyds distributed at the meeting. It was discussed and agreed that the hard copy of the LALC newsletter would no longer be required as the electronic version was sufficient. Cllr. Bodian delivered a quotation for the Grass Cutting contract, which had been hand delivered by BW Maintenance to himself.


73.19   Finance – To Authorise The Signing Of Orders For Payment And To Note Income For May 2019 .

It was proposed, seconded and Resolved: That orders for payment made to the sum of £1669.13 for May 2019, income of £20.47  was received in this period.


74.19   Planning

Listed Building Consent – Alternation N/042/00731/19 (18/4/19) Installation of 2 dish antenna was received. Full Planning Permission – N/042/00555/19 Installation of 2 dish antenna was also received.


75.19   Update On Commemorative Bench

The clerk informed the councillors that she is still waiting to meet the donor on site, along with Cllr. Beaney – this is to be updated at the next meeting.


76.19   Recreation Area & MUGA.

Cllr. Bodain reported the both he and Cllr. White had met with Playdale regarding two proposal options for the play area, with quotations and artwork received. This is to be displayed, along with a questionnaire, for public consultation purposes, at the school fete in July, with Cllr. Bodian and Cllr. White manning an information board. A Letter drop would also be undertaken in the village. Cllr.Beaney has updated the sign on the play area, and repaired the loose fence, as reported at the last meeting.


77.19   Allotments

Cllr. Beaney updated the council on the recent scarecrow contest, with lots of children visiting the allotment, whilst enjoying free strawberries.


78.19   Cemetery & Closed Church Yard

Cllr. Beaney has arranged an area specifically for excess soil spoil in the cemetery, as discussed following the last meeting.  The clerk will meet with Cllr. Beaney for bench positioning options. Cllr. Bodian reported that he had received a copy of the quotation for the wall repair (copy to be sent to the clerk), and he is currently liaising with the church regarding permission to have the work carried out. Cllr. Beaney also reported that he had provided a green bin for the cemetery and would be creating a hardstanding for the bins to tidy up the area.




79.19   To Move Into Closed Session To Discuss Staffing Matters.

3 candidates were interviewed for the role of the Clerk & RFO, and after discussion 1 candidate was successful. Cllr. Fisher (Chairman), to write and offer the position.


Meeting ended 8.35pm

Date of next meeting:  29th July 2019.

These Notes Are Draft Until Adopted At The July Meeting